In a world where groceries are unaffordable, livestock are mistreated, and produce is becoming less nutritious…people need the knowledge to be able to make informed decisions. We all need to be a little more self sufficient and aware of how everything works. Basic understanding of natural systems and ability to assess what happening around you. With more people moving to rural areas, we’re seeing an interest in returning to our roots and rediscovering lost skills and knowledge from our elders and past generations. Self sufficiency and sustainability is more important than ever before and it’s something we can achieve together.

To bring affordable, accessible, and reliable information and training to anyone who wants to learn. Help people reconnect with nature and gain a better understanding of where our food comes from. We encourage people to utilize the natural resources all around them and grow gardens, not lawns. Instill the importance of diversifying species, limiting inputs, and saving heirloom varieties.
Who we are
Our teachers are experts in their respective fields with many years of experience providing them with extensive knowledge to pass along to others. With various instructors covering many backgrounds and disciplines we’re able to provide reliable knowledge in a broad array of regenerative agriculture topics. Working with such knowledgeable people allows us to provide practical knowledge in all areas relating to rural skills. Some instructors are adept with animals and livestock to share information about housing, fencing, predation, and care of chickens, goats, sheep, cattle, pigs, and more. Others will teach skills related to growing crops and gardens such as starting seeds, transplanting, trellising, composting, water retention, and harvesting. We’ve even got the right people in place to help you learn about greenhouses, cold frames, cold storage, canning, preserving, milking, and cheesemaking. For every process on the farm, we’ve got someone to help you learn the ins and outs of getting it done yourself.

What we offer
At RiverOak’s School Of Rural Skills (SORS) we’re offering everyone a unique education on the subjects lacking in our current system, topics that are vital to sustain life. Our classes will provide you with practical an in depth understanding of the systems you’ll need to accomplish your sustainability goals. After leaving our classes you will be able to take what you learned back home and start applying it immediately. We won’t leave you hanging though, we’re dedicated to what we’re doing and will continue to provide ongoing support and reliable resources and to help answer all the many questions that will arise along the way.
Our students
Who are our students? You are! Everyone is! Our doors are open to anyone who wants to learn a new skill, take existing skills to the next level, or refresh old skills you’re with you hadn’t lost. Join us to connect with other like-minded people who are also looking to expand their knowledge and make our community stronger. Kids and families of all ages are also welcome to come learn together and we can all introduce them into a world of possibilities.